Next in popularity are the Nissan Pathfinders. And Mitsubishi Pajero. And Hummers. And FJ Cruisers. And Tahoes. All the big, mean machines. Nothing under 4 liters will do.
Your first introduction to these vehicles is inevitably a set of flashing headlights in your rear mirror if you are driving. Especially if you drive a 1 to 2 litre puny sedan car. Especially if you're driving under 100km/h. Doesn't matter if it's a 80km/h speed limit road.
Get out of my way.
These vehicles have loud horns too. You'll find out exactly 0.1 second later at the traffic light if you do not move off after the lights turn green. That's how fast you'll get horned at for holding up traffic. Especially these big, mean machines.Get out of my way.
Most of the roundabouts in Qatar are 3-lane. There is a 'lane protocol' here; outer lane for a 3/4 turn, middle lane for straight turn and inner lane for immediate turn. However, Landcruisers and Pathfinders do not usually care for protocols... it is not uncommon for them to cut from the inner to outer lane or vice-versa; right in the middle of a turning roundabout. This is where you'll hear screeching tires and smell burnt tire marks... simply because Landcruisers and Pathfinders are in a hurry.Get out of my way.
The parking lots in Qatar are slightly bigger than most other countries. It needs to be bigger to accommodate these large vehicles. Yet, it is not unusual for these vehicles to take up a lot at such an angle that you can't park beside it. Does not matter if it is the last available lot in the whole carpark.Get out of my way.
It is not uncommon to be caught in a jam in Qatar. Sometime it's just heavy traffic. Sometime it's construction work. Sometime it's an accident. Most of us patiently wait and sit out the delay. Not the Cruisers and Pathfinders. They will go up and over the traffic island. Or the sidewalk. Or the grass verge. Go a few cars ahead and cut back to the line. And so on.Get out of my way.
You need to get use to these large, mean vehicles if you want to keep your sanity on the road. Otherwise, do not drive. Better still, get one of these vehicle below.
This photo was not taken in Qatar.
However, a couple of these vehicles has been spotted in Qatar.
However, a couple of these vehicles has been spotted in Qatar.
Photocredit: www.jacked-up-truck.com

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